* A slasher is on the loose (ATWT Two Scoops Commentary for August 7, 2006) | Soap Central

A slasher is on the loose

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A slasher is on the loose
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The week of August 7, 2006
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A killer is terrorizing the kids of Oakdale; Maddie is the prime suspect, but she's too obvious. Will has a tendency to disappear before each attack, and he has a history of mental illness, but is he the killer?

The killer terrorizing the kids of Oakdale continues with Maddie as the prime suspect, Damian Grimaldi continues his web of lies for some mysterious reason, Emily experiences stomach pain that brings Paul to her bedside and Carly is still a part of Simon's team. The world is turning at a rapid pace right now and the recent losses are still being felt on every episode.

Who is the Slasher?
I am wondering who this might be and the show is throwing some suspects our way. We know it is not Maddie as she was too obvious to begin with. I am glad that Casey is not giving up on Maddie.

Jade: Why is Jade trying so hard throw suspicions towards Maddie? She is my #1 suspect. Did you notice that she disappears before every attack and then reappears out of breath after every attack? What about how disheveled she was at the lake after Maddie was attacked? She is such a useless character - if she is not the killer, will she be a victim?

Will: He is another one who disappears and reappears after each attack. We know he has a history of mental illness but I do not believe that he would be the killer. He needs to be more concerned with keeping his marriage intact especially now that Maddie overheard and confronted him about it. I just don't believe that he would hurt Maddie.

Eve: Very strange lady; there is something that she is not saying about Maddie's time in Chicago I believe that Eve's husband, Louis is Maddie's rapist. The look on Maddie's face every time his name is mentioned and the voice she heard the last time he was mentioned leads me to suspect him of the rape and the murders if Eve is not the killer. A reader, Rita and I seem to think alike, "I think Maddie's brother-in-law is the one that raped her. Maybe her sister is the slasher after finding out about it. She probably thinks Maddie enticed him."

Damian Grimaldi - A Liar
What is this guy up to that he has to lie about having a terminal illness? He has an agenda and it involves getting Luke to Malta no matter what so he concocts a surefire plan in order to do that.

I certainly hope that Lucy, Holden and Lucinda can outsmart him and keep Luke in Oakdale with his family. When I see Damian with these schemes it brings back memories of Orlena Grimaldi - this keeps coming to mind. I am enjoying Lucy pretending to argue with Lucinda so she can get closer to Damian. She has a new problem now with Dusty watching her. Dusty still has feelings for Lucy and he may get involved in order to feel less sadness.

Emily and Paul and their baby
Emily always seems to have a plan and I think she still wants Paul. She wants to have a life with her baby and Paul. For some reason, she cannot let this guy go. The minute she thought Paul and Meg had problems then she is at it again. I hope that Meg is not the loser in this but she has slowed things down - there are times when she is Emma Snyder's daughter.

Paul has pulled back on his strong arm tactics with Emily and maybe that is the reason that Emily thinks she has a chance with him. I know that Paul has a plan as he cannot take no for an answer.

Carly and Simon
I like these two together and they make a good team. Carly likes the excitement that Simon is bringing to her life. I also think that part of this is her trying to get to Jack. No matter what, Jack does not really want her with anyone else especially not Simon.

Simon is doing anything that he can to get under Katie's skin and it seems to be working no matter what Mike tells her. She is suppressing her true feelings and it is not her trying to protect Carly - it is about how she feels about Simon.

Readers have been very vocal about how things are going in Oakdale right so I wanted to share these additional comments:

Frankie says, "I am not happy about the recast of Craig Montgomery. If they had to get someone else, other than Hunt Block, why not go back to Scott Bryce, who originated the role. He never had quite the same edge as Block, but he was still great as Craig. It took me a long time to adjust to Hunt Block in this role, and now they are asking the viewers to shift gears again. I'm sure it would be less difficult for long time viewers if they went back to the original actor."

Cherry says, "Does anyone else find it disturbing that no one is seriously helping Maddie with her issues? Especially Margo - who should know what is going on inside Maddie's mind. I really doubt that Maddie is the killer because that's too easy of a plot and if anyone remembers with the Meg with Dusty's blood on her hand and glove and his wallet? - She didn't do it. I think it's the same scenario. And I agree, Eve seems a little off - I think she knows who rapped Maddie or at least have an idea - maybe her husband. If Eve really doesn't know anything - I think she needs to hook up with one of the fun guys in Oakdale- we need the Coleman side of her!"

Reggie says, "I think the writers don't know what to do because the murder mysteries have been done to death, literally speaking, and the characters that are killed that no one cares about. I just don't think Maddie would such a thing and I think she is doing a great job of conveying different emotions of being assaulted. I wish the s/l won't take forever and then destroying a great character of process for a plot point. I am tired of Katie's whining and thinking that Simon is just interesting in her. I love the friendliness between Simon and Carly and I glad that Carly is being independent and not feeling sad and moving on with her life. She is not waiting for Jack to come back to her and making a life without him...."

Finally, I loved the conversation with Barbara and Gwen as Barbara was once right on target about everything she said about Jade. I wonder will Gwen remember now that Maddie has told her that Gwen and Will slept together.

That's all I have for now.
Reggie Jackson

Reggie Jackson
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